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This is the Battle for Europe page.

My begin in Battle for Europe was 15th of February 2003. It was BFE#6 one of the last 4 battle's I played and had lot's of fun. After those 4 battle's I have joined over and over again for the next campaign's. From US Private to US Major and Axis Schütze to Axis Generalfeldmarschall.

If I see my history in BFE of ranks then I'm proud of what I did in BFE. Also met a lot of friends and lost a good friend (Otto-Stein). The last campaign of Battle for Europe (BFE#24) never took place that was also that a lot of people went to Victory in Europe for a complete new tournament.
My end of Battle for Europe was 4th of May 2006.

-= This was a great time, let's keep it in good memory =-

Proud member of DutchMasters =DM=



My History of Battle For Europe

BFE#6 [A29]175|Pvt.Cyrus the Virus -=29th Ranger Battalion=- (Allies won BFE#6)

BFE#7 [A37]136|Pvt.Cyrus -=37th Buckeye Division=- (Allies won BFE#7)

BFE#8 [Ax40.]FT|Cyrus=DM= -=40. Fallschirmjäger "Merkur" Division=- (Axis won BFE#8)

BFE#9 [Ax46.]/FT|Cyrus=DM= -=46. Aufklarungs und Kavallerie Abteilung=- (Axis won BFE#9)

BFE#10 [Ax50.]^^ - ~^FT|Cyrus=DM= -=50. Fallschirmjäger "Todesengel" Division=- (Axis won BFE#10)

BFE#11 [Ax1.]*/FT|Cyrus=DM= -=1. Fallschirmjäger "Würger" Division=- (Axis won BFE#11)

BFE#12 [Ax7.]**Cyrus=DM= -=7. Fallschirmjäger Stürzenden Greife Division=- (Allies won BFE#12)

BFE#13 [Ax13.]***Cyrus=DM= -=13. Fallschirmjäger "Panzer-Eule" Regiment=- (Allies won BFE#13)

BFE#14 [Ax666.]^/ - ^^FT|Cyrus=DM= -=666. Fallschirmjäger "Die Krieschenden Teufel" Division=- (Axis won BFE#14)

BFE#15 [A96]75|Cpt.Cyrus=DM= -=96th "Deadeye" Infantry Division=- (Allies won BFE#15)

BFE#16 [Ax56.]**Cyrus=DM= -=56. Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung Division=- (Allies won BFE#16)

-=Nations Cup 2004=- Cpt.Cyrus=DM= -=Team =DM= DutchMasters=-
(**Italy vs =DM=** - **@UK vs =DM=** - **Woppers vs =DM=** - **Vikings vs =DM=**)

BFE#17 [Ax29.]***Cyrus=DM= -=29. Fallschirmjäger KriegsMarine-Luftwaffe Division=- (Allies won BFE#17)

BFE#18 [Ax99.]~^HR|Cyrus=DM= -=99. Fallschirmjäger Bertalon Ejtõernyõs Osztás Division=- (Axis won BFE#18)

BFE#19 [Ax75.]***Cyrus=DM= -=75. Fallschirmjäger "Granatwerfer" Battalion=- (Allies won BFE#19)

-=Nations Cup 2005=- Baileys=DM= -=Team [DEU]=-
(**3kr vs [DEU]** - **Woppers vs [DEU]** - **CW 1i vs [DEU]**)

BFE#20 [AxSF.]/SSG|Cyrus=DM= -=SF. Fallschirmjäger Svea Flygflottilj=- (Axis won BFE#20)
[AxSF.]SSF^^^|Cyrus=DM= Spieß, Die Mutter der Armee

BFE#21 [Ax69.] - [FEB] Cyrus=DM= -=Tournament Admin=- (Axis won BFE#21)

BFE#22 [A78]Maj.Cyrus=DM= -=78th US Infantry Division=- (Axis won BFE#22)

BFE#23 [Ax104.]KS|Cyrus=DM= -=Dai-Nippon Teikoku Rikugun Division=- (Allies won BFE#23 1st part)
BFE#23 [Axis]****Cyrus=DM= -=102. Suomalainen III Armeijakunta and Dai-Nippon Teikoku Rikugun=-
(Axis won BFE#23 2nd part)

BFE#24 [Axis]****Cyrus=DM= -==- (BFE#24 took never place) R.I.P. Battle for Europe

=DM= Dutch Masters all Dutch Friends played Battle For Europe !!!

Kind regards,

E-mail : Cyrus