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1st Rangers Battalion


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Personnel File:
2nd Lt. Kruijthoff [Retired]

Section 1. Personal Information (highest rank)

Name: Kruijthoff, Pierre
Date of Birth: 29SEP75
Serial Number: 02092975
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Position: Command Staff
Company: Able Company
Platoon: First Platoon
S-2 Strategist, S-5 Head Public Affairs

Section 2. Awards

* American Defense Service Medal (ADSM) - 14AUG11
* Army Commendation Medal with Valor device (ARCOMV) - 23OCT11
* Purple Heart (PH) - 23OCT11
* European Africa Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (EAMECM) - 23OCT11
* World War Two Victory Medal (WWIIVM) - 23OCT11
* Good Conduct Medal (GCM) - 06NOV11
* Unit Citation 1 (UC1) - 06NOV11
* Legion of Merit (LOM) - 29JAN12
* American Campaign Medal (ACM) - 29JAN12
* Army of Occupation Medal (AOM) - 12FEB12
* Good Conduct Medal, Second Award (GCM2) - 12FEB12
* Legion of Merit, Second Award (LOM2) - 11MAR12
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Second Award (EAMECM2) - 17JUN12
* Unit Citation 2 (UC2) - 23SEP12
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Third Award (EAMECM3) - 30SEP12
* World War Two Victory Medal, Second Award (WWIIVM2) - 30SEP12
* Good Conduct Medal, Third Award (GCM3) - 21OCT12
* American Campaign Medal, Second Award (ACM2) - 18NOV12
* World War Two Victory Medal, Third Award (WWIIVM3) - 02DEC12
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Fourth Award (EAMECM4) - 02DEC12
* Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC) - 02DEC12
* Bronze Star with Valor Device (BSV) - 16DEC12
* Army of Occupation Medal, Second Award (AOM2) - 20JAN13
* Good Conduct Medal, Fourth Award (GCM4) - 20JAN13
* Army Commendation Medal, Second Award (ARCOM2) - 03FEB13
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Fifth Award (EAMECM5) - 17FEB13
* Soldier's Medal (SM) - 03MAR13
* Good Conduct Medal, Fifth Award (GCM5) - 14APR13
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Sixth Award (EAMECM6) - 28APR13
* American Campaign Medal, Third Award (ACM3) - 26MAY13
* Eastern-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Seventh Award (EAMECM7) - 02JUN13
* World War Two Victory Medal, Fourth Award (WWIIVM4) - 02JUN13
* Army Commendation Medal, Third Award (ARCOM3) - 02JUN13
* Purple Heart, Second Award (PH2) - 02JUN13
* Eastern-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Eighth Award (EAMECM8) - 07JUL13
* World War Two Victory Medal, Fifth Award (WWIIVM5) - 07JUL13
* Purple Heart, Third Award (PH3) - 07JUL13
* Good Conduct Medal, Sixth Award (GCM6) - 21JUL13
* Army of Occupation Medal, Third Award (AOM3) - 21JUL13
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Ninth Award (EAMECM9) - 23AUG13
* World War Two Victory Medal, Sixth Award (WWIIVM6) - 23AUG13
* American Campaign Medal, Fourth Award (ACM4) - 06JUL14
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Tenth Award (EAMECM10) - 20JUL14
* World War Two Victory Medal, Seventh Award (WWIIVM7) - 20JUL14
* Bronze Star, Second Award (BS2) - 20JUL14
* Good Conduct Medal, Seventh Award (GCM7) - 31AUG14
* Valorous Unit Award (VUA) - 31AUG14
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Eleventh Award (EAMECM11) - 14SEP14
* World War Two Victory Medal, Eighth Award (WWIIVM8) - 14SEP14
* American Campaign Medal, Fifth Award (ACM5) - 28SEP14
* Soldiers Medal, Second Award (SM2) - 23NOV14
* Good Conduct Medal, Eighth Award (GCM8) - 07DEC14
* Army of Occupation Medal, Fourth Award (AOM4) - 07DEC14
* National Defense Service Medal (NDSM) - 07DEC14
* American Campaign Medal, Sixth Award (ACM6) - 25JAN15
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Twelfth Award (EAMECM12) - 08FEB15
* Meritorious Unit Citation, Second Award (MUC2) - 22FEB15
* Good Conduct Medal, Ninth Award (GCM9) - 08MAR15
* Soldiers Medal, Third Award (SM3) - 05APR15
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Thirteenth Award (EAMECM13) - 05APR15
* World War Two Victory Medal, Ninth Award (WWIIVM9) - 05APR15
* G. O. 100 Honor Medal (GOHM) - 17MAY15
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Fourteenth Award (EAMECM14) - 31MAY15
* Army of Occupation Medal, Fifth Award (AOM5) - 31MAY15
* American Campaign Medal, Seventh Award (ACM7) - 14JUN15
* Good Conduct Medal, Tenth Award (GCM10) - 14JUN15
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Fifthteenth Award (EAMECM15) - 06SEP15
* Good Conduct Medal, Eleventh Award (GCM11) - 06SEP15
* Bronze Star, Third Award (BS3) - 06SEP15
* Purple Heart, Fourth Award (PH4) - 06SEP15
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Sixthteenth Award (EAMECM16) - 13DEC15
* World War Two Victory Medal, Tenth Award (WWIIVM10) - 13DEC15
* American Campaign Medal, Eighth Award (ACM8) - 13DEC15
* Army of Occupation Medal, Sixth Award (AOM6) - 13DEC15
* Good Conduct Medal, Twelfth Award (GCM12) - 13DEC15
* Good Conduct Medal, Thirteenth Award (GCM13) - 13MAR16
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Seventeenth Award (EAMECM17) - 27MAR16
* World War Two Victory Medal, Eleventh Award (WWIIVM11) - 27MAR16
* Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) - 27MAR16
* Purple Heart, Fifth Award (PH5) - 27MAR16
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Eighteenth Award (EAMECM18) - 05JUN16
* Good Conduct Medal, Fourteenth Award (GCM14) - 05JUN16
* Army of Occupation Medal, Seventh Award (AOM7) - 05JUN16
* Qualified Sharpshooter Rifle - 17JUL16
* Qualified Expert Rifle - 14AUG16
* Distinguished Unit Citation, Third Award (DUC3) - 14AUG16
* European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Nineteenth Award (EAMECM19) - 28AUG16
* World War Two Victory Medal, Twelfth Award (WWIIVM12) - 28AUG16
* Good Conduct Medal, Fifthteenth Award (GCM15) - 11SEP16
* Qualified Marksman Badge Expert SMG - 25SEP16
* Qualified Marksman Badge Expert BAR - 25SEP16
* Army of Occupation Medal, Eighth Award (AOM8) - 04DEC16
* Good Conduct Medal, Sixteenth Award (GCM16) - 04DEC16
* Good Conduct Medal, Seventeenth Award (GCM17) - 30APR17
* Good Conduct Medal, Eighteenth Award (GCM18) - 04FEB18
* Army of Occupation Medal, Ninth Award (AOM9) - 29APR18
* Good Conduct Medal, Nineteenth Award (GCM19) - 29APR18

Section 3. History of Enlistment

Date of Enlistment: 31JUL11
Date of Re-enlistment: 16FEB14
Date of Re-enlistment: 28MAY14
Date of Re-enlistment: 29OCT17

Graduating BT Platoon: 02

Section 3.1 Promotions and Station Changes

* Assigned to First Platoon, First Squad - 31JUL11
* Promoted to Private - 31JUL11
* Assigned to First Platoon, Second Squad - 11SEP11
* Promoted to Private First Class - 18SEP11
* Assigned as S-5, Public Affairs Event Organizer - 08DEC11
* Assigned to First Platoon, First Squad - 29JAN12
* Promoted to Technician 5th Grade - 29JAN12
* Assigned as S-2, Strategist - 16FEB12
* Assigned to Second Platoon, First Squad - 11MAR12
* Assigned to Reserves - 17JUN12
* Assigned to First Platoon, Third Squad - 13JUL12
* Assigned Assistant Squad Leader for First Platoon, Second Squad - 07OCT12
* Lateral Transfer to Corporal - 07OCT12
* Assigned as Squad Leader, Second Platoon, Second Squad - 18NOV12
* Promoted to Sergeant - 18NOV12
* Assigned as Squad Leader, First Platoon, First Squad - 31MAR13
* Promoted to Staff Sergeant - 26MAY13
* Reassigned to Second Platoon, First Squad - 07JUL13
* Assigned as Platoon Sergeant, Second Platoon - 21JUL13
* Assigned as Platoon Sergeant, First Platoon - 18AUG13
* Honorable Discharge - 30SEP13
* Accepted as Returning Member, Assigned as Rifleman, First Platoon, Fourth Squad - 16FEB14
* Honorable Discharge - 24FEB14
* Accepted as Returning Member, Assigned as Rifleman, First Platoon, First Squad - 30MAY14
* Promoted to Private First Class - 08JUN14
* Promoted to Technician Fifth Grade - 06JUL14
* Assigned to Squad Leader for First Platoon, First Squad - 28SEP14
* Promoted to Sergeant - 28SEP14
* Assigned as S-5, Head of Public Affairs - 28SEP14
* Promoted to Staff Sergeant - 25JAN15
* Assigned to Platoon Sergeant for Second Platoon - 31MAY15
* Promoted to Technical Sergeant - 14JUN15
* Assigned to First Platoon, First Squad - 18OCT15
* Transferred to Technician Third Grade - 18OCT15
* Assigned to Battalion Sergeant - 13DEC15
* Promoted to Master Sergeant - 13DEC15
* Assigned to First Platoon as Platoon Leader - 10APR16
* Promoted to Second Lieutenant - 10APR16
* Assigned to Able Company as Executive Officer - 14AUG16
* Transferred to Technicial Sergeant - 09OCT16
* Assigned to Reserves - 04DEC16
* Returned to Active Duty - 22JAN17
* Assigned to Battalion Clerk - 22JAN17
* Assigned as S-5, Operations Sergeant - 05MAR17
* Honorable Discharged - 23JUL17
* Accepted as Returning Member, Assigned as Rifleman, First Platoon, Third Squad - 29OCT17
* Assigned to First Platoon, First Squad - 26NOV17
* Transferred to First Platoon, Second Squad - 04MAR18
* Transferred to First Platoon, Third Squad - 29APR18
* Honorable Discharge - 28MAY18

Section 4. Demerits and LOAs

Demerits: 1
* Failure to post a drill excuse - 23APR12

LOAs: 16
* 22NOV11 through 01DEC11
* 12JAN12 through 18JAN12
* 18MAR12 through 16APR12
* 15JUN12 through 17JUN12
* 05MAR13 through 08MAR13
* 26JUL13 through 29JUL13
* 06JUN14 through 11JUN14
* 25JUL14 through 02AUG14
* 19AUG14 through 25AUG14
* 25NOV14 through 05DEC14
* 05MAY15 through 13MAY15
* 20MAY15 through 25MAY15
* 11JUN15 through 15JUN15
* 31JUL15 through 09AUG15
* 10OCT15 through 19OCT15
* 04FEB16 through 10FEB16
29MAY17 through 08JUN17
* 15MAY18 through 28MAY18

GO #1 31JUL11 - 1PL 1SQ - Pvt. GO #2 14AUG11 - 1PL 1SQ - Pvt.
GO #3 21AUG11 - 1PL 1SQ - Pvt. GO #4 28AUG11 - 1PL 1SQ - Pvt. GO #5 11SEP11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pvt.
GO #6 18SEP11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #7 25SEP11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #8 02OCT11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #9 09OCT11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #10 16OCT11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc.
GO #11 23OCT11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc.
GO #12 20NOV11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #13 04DEC11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #14 11DEC11 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc. GO #15 15JAN12 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc.
GO #16 29JAN12 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #17 12FEB12 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #18 26FEB12 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #19 11MAR12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #20 25MAR12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #21 08APR12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #22 UNKNOWN GO #23 22APR12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #24 06MAY12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #25 20MAY12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #26 03JUN12 - 2PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #27 17JUN12 - RESERVES - T/5
GO #28 01JUL12 - RESERVES - T/5 GO #29 15JUL12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5 GO #30 29JUL12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5
GO #31 12AUG12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5 GO #32 26AUG12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5 GO #33 09SEP12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5 GO #34 23SEP12 - 1PL 3SQ - T/5
Distinguised Unit Citation UC(UC2)
GO #35 07OCT12 - 1PL 2SQ - Cpl.
GO #36 21OCT12 - 1PL 2SQ - Cpl.
GO #37 04NOV12 - 1PL 2SQ - Cpl. GO #38 18NOV12 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #39 02DEC12 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
Meritorious Unit Commendation MUC
GO #40 16DEC12 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #41 06JAN13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt. GO #42 20JAN13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #43 03FEB13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #44 17FEB13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #45 03MAR13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt.
GO #46 17MAR13 - 2PL 2SQ - Sgt. GO #47 31MAR13 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt. GO #48 14APR13 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GO #49 28APR13 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GO #50 12MAY13 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GO #51 26MAY13 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #52 09JUN13 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt. GO #53 23JUN13 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt. GO #54 07JUL13 - 2PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #55 21JUL13 - 2PL PS - S/Sgt.
GCM(6), AOM(3)
GO #56 04AUG13 - 2PL PS - S/Sgt. GO #57 18AUG13 - 1PL PS - S/Sgt. GO #58 01SEP13 - 1PL PS - S/Sgt. GO #59 15SEP13 - 1PL PS - S/Sgt. GO #60 29SEP13 - Honorable Discharge
GO #61 13OCT13 - None GO #62 27OCT13 - None GO #63 12NOV13 - None GO #64 24NOV13 - None GO #65 08DEC13 - None
GO #66 22DEC13 - None GO #67 19JAN14 - None GO #68 02FEB14 - None GO #69 16FEB14 - 1PL 4SQ - Pvt. GO #70 02MAR14 - None
GO #71 16MAR14 - None GO #72 30MAR14 - None GO #73 13APR14 - None GO #74 27APR14 - None GO #75 11MAY14 - None
GO #76 25MAY14 - None GO #77 08JUN14 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #78 22JUN14 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #79 06JUL14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #80 20JUL14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
EAMECM(10), WWIIVM(7), BS(2)
GO #81 03AUG14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #82 17AUG14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5 GO #83 31AUG14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
GCM(7), Valorous Unit Award (VUA)
GO #84 14SEP14 - 1PL 1SQ - T/5
GO #85 28SEP14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GO #86 12OCT14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt. GO #87 26OCT14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt. GO #88 09NOV14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt. GO #89 23NOV14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GO #90 07DEC14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt.
GCM(8), AOM(4), NDSM
GO #91 21DEC14 - 1PL 1SQ - Sgt. GO #92 25JAN15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #93 08FEB15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #94 22FEB15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
Meritorious Unit Commendation (MUC2)
GO #95 08MAR15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #96 22MAR15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt. GO #97 05APR15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
EAMECM(13), WWIIVM(9), SM(3)
GO #98 19APR15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt. GO #99 03MAY15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt. GO #100 17MAY15 - 1PL 1SQ - S/Sgt.
GO #101 31MAY15 - 2PL PS - S/Sgt.
EAMECM(14), AOM(5)
GO #102 14JUN15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt.
ACM(7), GCM(10)
GO #103 28JUN15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt. GO #104 12JUL15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt. GO #105 26JUL15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt.
GO #106 09AUG15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt. GO #107 23AUG15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt. GO #108 06SEP15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt.
EAMECM(15), GCM(11), BS(3), PH(4)
GO #109 20SEP15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt. GO #110 04OCT15 - 2PL PS - T/Sgt.
GO #111 18OCT15 - 1PL 1SQ - T/3 GO #112 01NOV15 - 1PL 1SQ - T/3 GO #113 15NOV15 - 1PL 1SQ - T/3 GO #114 29NOV15 - 1PL 1SQ - T/3 GO #115 13DEC15 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt.
EAMECM(16), WWIIVM(10), ACM(8),
AOM(6), GCM(12)
GO #116 17JAN16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt. GO #117 31JAN16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt. GO #118 14FEB16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt. GO #119 28FEB16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt. GO #120 13MAR16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt.
GO #121 27MAR16 - Command Battalion Sergeant - M/Sgt.
DSM, PH(5)
GO #122 10APR16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt. GO #123 24APR16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt. GO #124 08MAY16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt. GO #125 22MAY16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt.
GO #126 05JUN16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt.
EAMECM(18), AOM(7), GCM(14)
GO #127 19JUN16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt. GO #128 03JUL16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt. GO #129 17JUL16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt.
Marksman Badge Sharpshooter Rifle
GO #130 31JUL16 - Command PL HQ - PL - 2nd Lt.
GO #131 14AUG16 - Command PL HQ - XO Able - 2nd Lt.
Marksman Badge Expert Rifle,
Distinguished Unit Citation (DUC3)
GO #132 28AUG16 - Command PL HQ - XO Able - 2nd Lt.
GO #133 11SEP16 - Command PL HQ - XO Able - 2nd Lt.
GO #134 25SEP16 - Command PL HQ - XO Able - 2nd Lt.
Marksman Badge Expert SMG,
Marksman Badge Expert BAR
GO #135 09OCT16 - Command HQ - S-5 - T/Sgt.
GO #136 23OCT16 - Command HQ - S-5 - T/Sgt. GO #137 06NOV16 - Command HQ - S-5 - T/Sgt. GO #138 20NOV16 - Command HQ - S-5 - T/Sgt. GO #139 04DEC16 - RESERVES - T/Sgt.
AOM(8), GCM(16)
GO #140 18DEC16 - RESERVES - T/Sgt.
GO #141 22JAN17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #142 05FEB17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #143 19FEB17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #144 05MAR17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #145 19MAR17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt.
GO #146 02APR17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #147 16APR17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #148 30APR17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt.
GO #149 14MAY17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #150 28MAY17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt.
GO #151 11JUN17 - Command HQ - BC - T/Sgt. GO #152 25JUN17 - Command HQ - Reserves - T/Sgt. GO #153 09JUL17 - Command HQ - Reserves - T/Sgt. GO #154 23JUL17 - Retired - T/Sgt. Good luck 1st Rangers !!!
GO #161 29OCT17 - 1PL 3SQ - Pfc. GO #162 12NOV17 - 1PL 3SQ - Pfc. GO #163 26NOV17 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #164 10DEC17 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #165 07JAN18 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc.
GO #166 21JAN18 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #167 04FEB18 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc.
GO #168 18FEB18 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #169 04MAR18 - 1PL 1SQ - Pfc. GO #170 25MAR18 - 1PL 2SQ - Pfc.
GO #171 29APR18 - 1PL 3SQ - Pfc.
GCM(19), AOM(9)
GO #172 27MAY18 - 1PL 3SQ - Pfc. Honorable Discharge - 28MAY18 RETIREMENT  
Special Order No.1 - 06NOV11
Unit Citation (UC1) - Serving as of 31OCT11
Special Order No.14 - 30SEP12
Special Order No.16 - 02JUN13
Special Order No.18 - 23AUG13